Welcome to my new site!

First of all, I’d like to apologize for being a little MIA lately. I’ve spent the last month and a half or so working SO much. Kind of drowning a little, actually.

For a very long time, it’s been a small dream in the back of my mind to be able to do photography full-time. I say small dream because I have also always been somewhat ambitious towards having a “real career.” You know….the one that gives you a steady income and a retirement plan.

It wasn’t until the end of last year that I got really serious about this photography thing. I’ve done photography for over 10 years for people here and there, but I wanted more out of it. I dropped a chunk of change for a workshop last Fall and left it feeling determined to make it in the photography world.

At the beginning of this year, I started an official LLC after studying SO many articles online to figure out how to do things correctly. I’m only 8 months in and boy is it difficult. But it’s so rewarding and I actually kind of like doing the whole “running a business” side of things. For now anyway…ask me again at tax time.

But anyway, back to where I was going with this post…I’ve been drowning a bit lately. Over the last month and a half I’ve been trying to finish this new website, keep up with editing and delivering sessions, and responding to inquiries…all while working my full-time job 8-5 M-F. I also squeezed a (much needed) week of vacation into the mix which threw me even more behind. I’m at a point where I’m still not busy enough to do photography full time, but I also don’t have enough time in a day to do everything I need to. Which I’m not complaining about at all…I want to be even busier! Busy enough to drop that 8-5 desk job life.

This was all the driving force behind me getting this website done. I wanted a website that would convert more visitors into clients. Something that was informative but also visual.  I decided to change from WordPress to Showit, and WOW am I glad I did. Showit is amazing and the designer in me has loved making this website from scratch. I’d love to hear comments on what you think of it!

So in conclusion from my rant fest, I’m sorry I’ve been MIA on blogging sessions and posting to social media. I’m finally caught up and will be catching up blogging sessions over the next few weeks!

Since you’re already here, takes some time to check out my new site! And if you’re getting married any time soon…or you just want some photos with your significant other….or you haven’t had your family photos taken in a hot minute….contact me and let’s set something up!

Hello friends!

I'm Max.

I’m an Indianapolis-based photographer specializing in inclusive wedding photography for fun & open-minded couples.

all content © max catterson photography, llc 2024
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